Poverty Questions

February 23rd, 2013 — 10:53pm

What does it take for a family to move from poverty to independence and security? Why does well-intentioned aide often do more harm than good? How can those of us with the means and desire to help be most effective?

I’ve been seeking answers to questions like these from study, conversations, and travel over the last few years. There are no easy answers. Economics, entrepreneurialism, and capital – things I know about – are involved. Things I know a lot less about like mindsets, family systems, even corruption, are involved too.

As I’ve learned more I’ve increased my intentionality about getting involved. I believe our generation has great opportunity for impact in this area. I see momentum building in awareness, generosity, and desire to be informed and effective.

In about a week I’ll be in Haiti to continue learning. I’ll be interacting with the leaders of Paulos Group and seeing their work firsthand. Not only are they innovative thinkers in this area, they are putting thought to action in a research-oriented, non-charity housing project.

I’m privileged to have connections and conversations with some amazing people working in this field. I’m looking forward to much more.