I’m Starting Something New

February 21st, 2014 — 6:00am

Today I’m doing what I’ve done just four times before. I’m filing paperwork to create a new business. In this business I intend to engage as a coach, consultant, and facilitator with people, in service to their success. As a young CEO, in over my head, I reached out for a lot of coaching and human development experiences, and loved them. I still have multiple coaches and mentors. I’ve learned I can also be of service to others, and I love paying that forward.

Some people I admire have given me some very kind endorsements. And here’s some info about services I’m offering.

There’s a ton of uncertainty in what I’m starting, and I feel it. The outcomes were just as uncertain the last four times, and I felt it then too. Those turned out to be some of the best and most life-changing decisions I’ve made so far.

I’ve never regretted sucking up the fear and going forward into something I wanted to do. I don’t think you will regret doing that either. Cheers.