
June 18th, 2015 — 5:30am

At the gym, I notice plenty of people lifting a lot more weight than I can. It kinda stinks to put my little 25-pound plates on the bar while they are racking up multiple 45-pound plates right beside me. It feels like everybody except the 90-year-old guy is beating me. One of these heavy lifters is about a 100-pound teenage girl. Either she’s superhuman or I’m doing something wrong.

I can lift much more than when I started training, but when I start comparing I forget about that and feel quite unimpressed with myself.
My trainer steadily reminds me that we don’t compare, we just keep improving. She’s right, and it applies to all of life.

Healthy people don’t compare themselves to others. They just aspire to get better.

Envy helps no one.