Skating Without a Coach

February 17th, 2010 — 12:54pm

I was watching the Winter Olympics last night. I observed each skater having a quick conversation with his coach before gliding out onto the Olympic stage. While executing one of the most important performances of his career, each skater had the final words of his coach ringing in his ears. I didn’t see anyone skating without a coach.

We all know it’s impossible to achieve legendary athletic success without a coach. Athletes need the greater experience, outside perspective, motivation, and relational support a coach provides. Someone who’s been there, who can see what the athlete can’t, can push him to do more than he thought possible, and is there with him through the ups and downs. As I watched, it just seemed natural and obvious that every athlete would have a coach by his side.

I think we all need coaches in the rest of life too. Outside of sports we might call them business coaches, counselors, therapists, support groups, advisory boards, or life coaches. From sports to business to relationships, I think success and coaching go hand in hand.

I “skated without a coach” so to speak for my first five years as an entrepreneur. I had a lot of success, but I was limited in several areas by lack of experience or personal hangups. I paid a price in dollars and in stress for those areas where I needed to grow.

In 2009 I took part in a monthly leadership coaching program and also started bi-weekly sessions with a one-on-one counselor. Both have been incredibly helpful. I’ve grown and overcome personal obstacles much more quickly than I did on my own. I plan to continue with both of these coaches through 2010. I don’t think I will ever go without a coach again.

Who is coaching you in the areas you want to grow and succeed?

P.S. Coaches don’t seek you out. It’s your responsibility to find them and hire them. It takes energy, courage, and usually money. It’s worth it.