What I Mean by Success

December 21st, 2011 — 5:30am

When I say “success” on this blog, I wonder if anyone misunderstands my meaning. This is my big chance to clarify…

From dictionary.com….

Definition 1: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.

This is the meaning I have in mind — achieving the goal you set out to achieve.

Definition 2: the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.

Not the idea I’m going for. So when I say that deliberate action focused in a consistent direction over time is perhaps the single biggest key to success, I mean it’s key to reaching your goals, not that it will lead to wealth, position, honors, and the like.

In fact, if your goal is to sacrifice your life serving the poor, deliberate action focused in a consistent direction over time will bring you success in that goal, and bring you the opposite of “definition 2” success.

It’s up to you to choose attempts or endeavors that are worthwhile, and not foolish, selfish, or harmful. Whether or not success is “a good thing” depends on whether or not your goals were worthwhile in the first place.

If you read my other posts and start imagining a mansion on the beach with little margarita-umbrella-things, well, I tried.