Entrepreneurship and Family Feedback

October 16th, 2014 — 5:30am

When you are contemplating a risky business move, those closest to you are probably not the best place for objective feedback. Family members often say “I’m afraid you will get hurt.” There’s caring and honesty in that, and it’s not what would-be adventurers need to hear.

It can really hurt on a personal level, and amplify self-doubt, when family doesn’t “get it”. I’ve observed this dynamic more often than not. On top of that, our own responses to family can be emotionally super-charged, making it hard to listen objectively.

When you receive feedback from family, listen for their fears mixed into their advice. Don’t take their feedback as a reliable prediction of your prospects. Get feedback from multiple other people who are for you, and experienced with the types of risks you are taking.

Love your family. Don’t use them as a focus group.