Race and Humanity

October 9th, 2014 — 5:30am

I recently participated in a diverse roundtable conversation about race. I went to listen, knowing I have a lot to learn about this subject. A courageous openness developed in the room. Here are some themes I heard between the lines:

There are so many ways that we differ from each other as people. Race, color, religion, politics, size, age, gender, wealth, sexual orientation, and many more.

We are prone to fear. Fear about our own differences, and fear about the differences of others. We fear being overpowered, rejected, and excluded.

Often those fears come true. Countless people have been mistreated by countless others, with differences as a reason or an excuse.

Many people carry deep pain about their differences and the experience of life they’ve had related to those differences.

In all these differences I see a deep commonality. We all want to be seen. Truly seen, not dismissively categorized. And heard, as unique individuals. We want what we feel and say to be taken seriously. We as human beings long to be seen, heard, and understood with attentiveness, humble curiosity, and respect.

There are many wrongs that I cannot right. I can make a difference in my circle of influence.

I can look to see, listen to hear, wonder to understand, and these are worthy and impactful ways of being human.